Our Lawyers have experience in litigation, arbitration, investigations and ADR, ensuring legal assistance and representation before any Italian court.

Our professionals regularly deal with technically complex and multi-jurisdictional issues jurisdictional, and are able to manage potential risks and seek the most effective solutions and ensure maximum results with speed and care to the client of characterised by a big law firm, also thanks to a strategic network of associates and law firms throughout Italy.

More specifically, the Firm handles litigation in a wide range of commercial and corporate issues, including those related to unfair competition, product liability, insurance, property issues, patent and trademark infringements, recognition of judgments and arbitral awards and in the field of transport law (land, rail, port, maritime, aeronautics and aerospace) providing legal assistance for all civil, administrative, regulatory, European, international or criminal matters.

In addition, the Firm boasts collaboration with experienced professionals in civil and commercial mediation with decades of experience in matters of succession, donations, family trusts and the creation of wealth funds. Professionals are able to assist the clientds in the generational transition in the company to ensure the continuity of the company.

The Firm is also able to represent the interest of Clients in judicial proceedings in Italy as well as abroad through a close consolidated network of foreign correspondents, including national and international arbitration procedures.

If you need assistance with a matter in Italy, our English-speaking italian law lawyers can assist you right away with a free initial consultation.

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